Monday, July 20, 2015

Lab 1A: Density Blog Lab by Katie and Maya

Introduction: Using what we learned in class about density, we could find the mass of a block using volume and density. Density, which is the degree of compactness of a substance, can be found by dividing mass (g) by volume (cm^3). Using this knowledge, our knowledge about significant figures, and a ruler, the mass of each block could be found without a scale.

Procedure: Using a ruler, we measured the length, width, and height of the blocks in centimeters to three significant figures. Multiplying the length, width and height together we could find the volume.

From there we could use the equation d=m/v and multiply volume and density to find the mass of the block which ended up being 94.5 grams. The actual mass of the block ended up being 97.3 grams so our percent error was 3%. 

Length-6.70 cm
Width-4.19 cm
Height-  2.37 cm
Volume-66.5 cm^3
Density- 1.42 g/cm^3
Mass- 97.3 grams
Predicted Mass- 94.5 grams
Percent error- 3%

Conclusion: In this lab we learned the relationship of volume, density, and mass. We learned that you can find one from knowing the two others. We also used a ruler while keeping in mind our significant figures. There was, however, a margin of error when measuring the dimensions of the block. It was difficult to estimate the last significant figure for the measurements. I realized that next time, it may be better to combine my estimate and my lab partners in order to get a more accurate measurement. 

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